End of Summer Newsletter

End of Summer Newsletter


The beginning of a new era...



Okay Okay, we are way late on this one but its been an extremely exciting, productive and busy month for us.

We started august off with redesigning the new website. We went for a more mobile friendly version and got some better photos and videos on the site. Hopefully it is more fun and easier to navigate. Email us with any concerns please, we love to hear feedback!

We ran a most successful sale for chris' birthday. Not only did this give us motivation, the profit we gained from that sale has allowed us to invest into our marketing and get some more professional photography.


That being said, the best photos and our most sought out will always be photos from you guys and because of that we have set up an awesome program.

  • 2$ OFF for every photo you post on Instagram with your gear and hashtag it with #rowdylife.
  • 10$ off if you fill out a very quick survey. how could we up the ante on those 2 offers?
  • FREE SHIRT for taking an unboxing video and letting us know what you think 

You will receive an Email explaining all of this after youre order is delivered! 

Prior to this, we set up some email marketing. We will be sending out newsletters with updates of what we are up to, information and content for you to devour, giveaways, events, exclusive deals and more!

We are currently sitting on a ton of new products and at least 10 new designs for you! So, if there is a design you've had your eye on... snag it soon because we will be discontinuing things that are on the site now!

Things to look forward to:

  • Events: We are setting up an ongoing schedule of riding weekends, pop up stores, live paintings, and music events! All of this information will be distributed through our email newsletters! 
  • Weekly new product drops: We will be dropping several products a week from here on out. The products we are most excited about will be released to our email list with a discount first. After that they will be released to the public and on social media. 
  • Raffles: We will be holding several big ticket raffles this year. Dirtbikes, Trailers, Quads, you name it! How this works is you will buy a number for a specified amount. We will draw a number on Instagram live to pick the winner!
  • Giveaways: We have several contests and giveaways on the calendar. Some of them are Facebook, Instagram or Email specific so make sure to follow all of our accounts!


All of this sounds amazing but none of it is possible without you! So for that we graciously thank you and ask that you head to our website and sign up for the Email list. You will instantly receive a discount and more ways to engage and get involved with the Rowdy Life movement. We are busy and enjoy free time and value your attention, so we promise to not send any unnecessary emails to you that do not provide you value!


Sincerely, Thank you for taking this rowdy ride with us, 
                                                Chris, Dan, & the entire Rowdy Life Army

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